The bones from the boar ribs- simmered for a couple of hours with an onion, carrot, and parsley- turned into a nimble yet hefty (think Chris Farley) stock which we have been putting to good use in the ensuing days. In this case the smoky, umamilicious elixir was the happy medium in which some udon found themselves, accompanied by burdock simmered with dried shiitake, blanched kale (I usually do it in the noodle water pre-noodle) and a sprinkle of 7-spice (shichimi togarashi for those who enjoy typing.)
Freaking awesome. Guilt-free essence of barbeque, with slippery noodles, bright greens, and sweet, super-earthy burdock with a mushroom subwoofer. Never have normally genteel folk been reduced to slurping, grunting animals so quickly.
That does look pretty visceral. The taste good though?
It's good for the soul every now and then to slurp.
No more Chris Farley images - please! I was imagining him simmering with the boar ribs.
The soup still looks good, though.
I just really like that. Oh.
As for Farley, you don't simmer him. You make very fatty bacon from his belly. Eek.
Kristie: Like viscera- hot, dark, and slippery.
Zoomie: Agreed.
Jen: Arr. That will replace the whale in me nightmares.
CC: Cocaine-flavored bacon!
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